Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 1994;10(1):63-73.
Published online June 30, 1994.
Two Cases of Cartilagenous Tumor in the Head & Neck
Hwan Koo Lee;Yong Seung Choi;Kyung Tae;Hyung Seok Lee;Young Soo Kim
두경부 영역에서 연골성 종양 치험례
Chondrosarcomas are uncommon disease that are noted almostly in the pelvis, sternum, long bone. Chondrosarcoma in the head & neck was very rare. It can occur in nearly every bone in the head and neck. Lesion of the maxilla is most frequent site in head and neck region, but temporomandibular joint is rare site. In chondrosarcoma of temporomandibular joint, its danger lies in its local invasiveness and potential to seed into the meninges. Histologically, the tumor exhibits myxoid feature, which must be differentiated from chordoma and chondroid chordoma. The cranial nerve palsies frequently observed with the tumors are related to the anatomical location. Chondroma is a benign tumor that most frequently found in the hand, foot bone, but can be originated in any cartilagenous area of body. When it occurs in one site, it is named as solitary enchondroma, and when it occurs in multiple site, it is named as multiple enchondromatosis. In the head & neck, it may occur in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, nasal septum, eustachian tube, palate. But chondroma that occur as neck mass is extremely rare. Recently, the authors experienced a case of chondrosarcoma confirmed pathology affecting 35-years-old female presenting mass in left temporomadibular joint and a case of chondroma confirmed pathology affecting 26-years-old female presenting neck mass, left.
Key Words: Chondrosarcoma, Chondroma, Cartilagenous tumor


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