Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 1997;13(1):62-68.
Published online May 30, 1997.
A Case of Locally Invasive and Recurred Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Metastatizing to Cervical Lymphatic Chains and Mediastinum
Hong Shik Choi;Ju Hyoung Lee;Jae Won Kim;Hae Dong Yang
광범위한 국소재발 및 경부, 종격동 전이를 동반한 유두상 갑상선암 1례
The papillary carcinoma is the most common malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland and the prognosis is better than anyother type of thyroid carcinoma. However, the thyroid is closed to the important organs such as esophagus, trachea and larynx, there are some possibilities to invade these organs. In case of advanced disease, not only surrounding structures but also mediastinum and cervical lymphatic chain can be involved or distant metastasis develops frequently. Therefore in these cases the prognosis is worse and the rate of inoperable case is more than those of non-metastatic group. Generally, the treatment modality for papillary thyroid carcinoma consists of surgery, postoperative thyroid hormone and radioiodine therapy. If the tumor invades surrounding structures, cervical lymph node or mediastinum, total thyroidectomy and wide excision of tumor invaded area including mediastinal dissection and neck dissection is necessary. Recently, the authors have experienced a case of locally invasive and recurred papillary thyroid carcinoma without treatment for 7 years. The patient was performed previously thyroid lobectomy and isthmusectomy 13 years ago. We had determinded surgical therapy for this patient and performed mass excision with overlying skin, completion total thyroidectomy, right type I modified radical neck dissection, left lateral neck dissection, thoracotomy with supramediastinal dissection, shaving of diffusely involved trachea and skin defect reconstruction with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. After operation 2 cycles of radioiodine therapy were taken. Now the patient is following up at the outpatient base and no evidence of disease state for postoperative 16 months. So we report on this case with a brief review of literature.
Key Words: Recurred papillary thyroid carcinoma, Local invasion, Wide excision


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