Two Cases of False Cord Schwannoma Treated with Transoral Laser Resection |
Young Rok Kim;Sung Won Kim;Jong Chul Hong;Bong Ju Lee;Kang Dae Lee |
가성대에 발생한 신경초종의 경구강 레이저 절제술 치험 2례 |
김영록;김성원;홍종철;이봉주;이강대 |
Abstract |
Schwannoma is a benign well-encapsulated tumors arising from the sheath of Schwann cell of the peripheral motors, sensory, and cranial nerves, but not from the optic and olfactory nerves. Since it is relatively common in the head and neck region, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of head and neck tumor. However, reports of laryngeal involvement have rarely appeared in the literature. We have experienced a 50-year old woman and 39-year old woman with history of progressive voice change. We recognized a benign mass at the false cord area with the telelaryngoscope and CT. The tumors were successfully removed by transoral CO2 laser resection without tracheotomy. |
Key Words:
Schwannoma, CO2 Laser, False cord, CO2 레이저 |