Korean J Head Neck Oncol Search


Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology 2008;24(1):64-68.
Published online May 30, 2008.
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in Renal Allograft Recipients
Jandee Lee;Hyeop Hong;Jong Ju Jeong;Kee-Hyun Nam;Woong Youn Chung;Euy-Young Soh;Cheong Soo Park
신장이식후 발생한 유두상 갑상선암
이잔디;홍 협;정종주;남기현;정웅윤;소의영;박정수
:The chronic use of immunosuppressive therapy in transplant recipients can increase the long-term risk of carcinoma. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence, biological behaviors, and treatment outcomes in PTC(papillary thyroid carcinoma) in renal allograft recipients. Material and Methods :The present study examined the incidence and biological behavior of PTCs in RA recipients. A total of 1,739 RA patients treated between January 1986 and December 1999 were followed-up for a median 137(84-238) months. During the follow-up period, 129(7.4%) recipients were identified as having posttransplant malignancies. Of those, 12(0.7%) had PTCs, and these comprised six male and six female patients with a median age of 41(23-57) years.
:Nine cases(incidentalomas) were diagnosed based on ultrasonography(US) screening. Eight of those nine were TNM stage I, and two of the three clinical carcinomas were TNM stage IVa. During a median follow-up of 94(18-159) months, two(16.7%) PTC patients developed loco-regional recurrence, but no patients showed distant metastasis. Posttransplant PTC showed no gender bias, and was often associated with aggressive lymphatic metastasis. However, most incidentalomas showed a favorable treatment outcome.
:In conclusion, routine surveillance of the thyroid gland using US screening is recommended to ensure early detection, treatment and favorable prognosis in RA patients with PTC.
Key Words: Posttransplant malignancy, PTC(papillary thyroid carcinoma), Renal allograft


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