Six Cases of Brown Tumor with Hyperparathyroidism |
Sung Ho Park;Young Bum Kim;Joo Yul Cho;Nam Young Kim;Guk-Haeng Lee;Byung Chul Lee;Myung Chul Lee;Ik Joon Choi |
고부갑상선호르몬에 의한 갈색종 6예 |
박성호;김영범;최주열;김남영;이국행;이병철;이명철;최익준 |
Abstract |
Brown tumor is characterized as the classic skeletal manifestation of advanced hyperparathyroidism. It is con-sidered as a benign tumor because of its reparative cellular process. We have experienced 6 patients of brown tumor with hyperparathyroidism, enrolled at Korea Cancer Center Hospital from November 2007 to September 2013. Five of the patients were diagnosed as parathyroid adenoma and treated with parathyroidectomy, and one female patient was diagnosed as parathyroid carcinoma and treated with parathyroidectomy and thyroid lobec-tomy. These six cases demonstrated that early parathyroidectomy after diagnosis helps to relieve symptomatic pain, normalize calcium level, treat hyperparathyroidism, prevent tumor progression and also prevent osteopo-rosis in bones. We present these 6 patients with a review of literature. |
Key Words:
Osteitis fibrosa cystica, Hyperparathyroidism |