A Case of Tracheal Reconstruction with Sternohyoid Muscle Flap in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Invading Trachea |
Hee Won Wu;Yeon Soo Kim;YooSeob Shin;Chul-Ho Kim |
기관을 침범한 유두상 갑상선 암 환자에서 흉설골근을 통한 기관재건술 1예 |
우희원;김연수;신유섭;김철호 |
Abstract |
Papillary thyroid carcinoma is known as its relatively high cure rate after surgical treatment. But invasion of the trachea by thyroid carcinoma is poor prognostic factor and the best management is en bloc surgical resection of the tumor invading the trachea. A 55-year-old man was diagnosed as papillary thyroid cancer with tracheal in-vasion. We treated the patient by total thyroidectomy with window resection of invading trachea followed by im-
mediate reconstruction with sternohyoid muscle flap and tracheostomy. At 48 days after surgery, tracheostoma was
closed and the patient had no functional complication by the surgical process. Until 10 months after surgery, there was no sign of recurrence and the patient led social life without any discomfort. We present this case with a review of the related literatures. |
Key Words:
Tracheal reconstruction, Sternohyoid muscle, Papillary thyroid carcinoma |