A Case of Parotid Warthin Tumor with Granulomatous Necrosis After Fine-Needle Aspiration |
Hyeon Sik Oh;Eun Sub Lee;Young Tae Jo;Minsu Kwon |
이하선 Warthin 종양의 세침흡인검사 후 발생한 육아종성 괴사 1예 |
오현식;이은섭;조용태;권민수 |
Abstract |
Fine needle aspiration is usually performed as a preoperative cytologic evaluation in salivary gland tumors, and complications of the lesion after fine needle aspiration are scarcely developed. The secondary change of tissue by fine needle aspiration can make the diagnostic and subsequent therapeutic difficulties for clinicians and require a careful approach. Fine needle aspiration can cause variety of changes in Warthin tumor, and it is presumed that those changes are mainly caused by the infarction of the mass due to vascular injury and following inflammatory reactions. We would introduce our experience of granulomatous and necrotic change after fine needle aspiration on parotid Warthin tumor with consequent difficulties in diagnostic and surgical approach to the patient. |
Key Words:
Fine needle aspiration, Granuloma, Parotid gland, Warthin tumor |